Glass (glass table top, tempered glass, decorative glass)

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We manufacture for you custom-made: glass plate, tempered glass – in the desired shape and with the desired edge grinding, in the selected material (clear, special clear “optiwhite”, grey, blue…) and of course, if necessary, holes and backpainting! Select the glass details and dimensions, you will instantly see the price and manufacturing time with your selections.

Hinta sisältää pakkauksen ja rahtikulut pihaan*

Klikkaa alla olevia kuvia nähdäksesi eri vaihtoehdot
Choose shade:
Choose shape:
Choose edge grinding:
Is the glass to be tempered safety glass? (Tempered glass)
Width (millimeters)
Height (millimeters)
Measurement drawing
Webshop product code
The glass needs holes
Should the glass be back-painted?

Quantity (pcs)

  • Ostaessasi enemmän kerralla, laskemme määräalennuksen automaattisesti täällä näkyvään hintaan kappalemäärän mukaan.
  • Mikäli ostat useita eri, tai erikokoisia tuotteita, lisää tuotteet ensin ostoskoriin ja saat kokonaistarjouksen ostoskorin lopputiedoissa!

Yhteenveto valitsemillasi lasitiedoilla

Additional information: Paino on noin 12.2 kg / kpl

Hinta viimeisen 30 päivän aikana 134.24 EUR
Kampanjahinta nyt: 112.06 EUR, sisältää rahtikulut. Aleprosentti tilausmäärälle 16.5 %
Production time: Tuote on valmis lähetettäväksi arviolta 1 työviikossa.
Quantity discount: -

Hinta viimeisen 30 päivän aikana 134.24 EUR
Kampanjahinta nyt: 112.06 EUR, sisältää rahtikulut. Aleprosentti tilausmäärälle 16.5 %
Measurement drawing:
HINTA yhteensäValitse lasitiedot ensin
Valitse lasin tiedot ja näet hinnan sekä toimitusajan tässä.
Hintamme sisältää aina myös pakkauksen ja rahtikulut!
Vinkki: voit tilata lasit myös laskulle, jolloin saat tilaushetkestä maksuaikaa 45 päivää eikä tilausta tarvitse maksaa etukäteen! Se on helppoa ja turvallista - valitset vain kassalla maksutavaksi: "Lasku/Osalasku".

Choose shade:

Select one of the images below
Clear Standard
Extra-clear interior glass (e.g., Optiwhite, Clearvision, Ultra-clear)
Pilkington MirrorPane Chrome (tempered mirror, light transmission 2%)
Pilkington MirrorPane Chrome Plus (tempered mirror, not transparent 0.01%)
Sea blue
Forest green
Winter solstice (Dark gray)
Smoke gray
Low-reflective glass (Pilkington OptiView ULTRA DC)
Etched satin glass
Etched extra-clear satin glass
Etched green satin glass
Etched gray satin glass
Etched bronze satin glass
Reflective surface SilverLight Miami
Reflective surface SuperSilver clear
Reflective surface SuperSilver gray
Reflective surface Classic gray
Reflective surface Classic bronze

Choose shape:

Select one of the images below
Rectangle with rounded corners
Arch end
Trapezoid with rounded corners
Parallelogram with rounded corners
Coordinate drawing

Choose edge grinding:

Select one of the images below
Only cutting, edges remain sharp from the cut
Polished edge grinding
Bevel grinding and polished edge grinding
45-degree bevel grinding and polished edge grinding

Background painting color

Select one of the images below
Gray 9006
Black 9005
Violet 4003
Orange 2009
Red 3020
Yellow 1023
Green 6038


Normal float glass is used for many different purposes, there are many names for it (float glass can be tempered = toughened glass/impervious glass/safe glass, table top glass, cut glass, construction glass, interior glass, table top glass, partition glass). Flat glass is available in a variety of colours, for example (clear, grey, extra clear (optiwhite), blue, etc.) or can also be painted in the desired colour (back painted glass, back painted white glass, etc..) or have a photograph printed on the back of the glass. Glass can also be coated, for example to eliminate reflections from the glass surface # Low-reflective glass Pilkington OptiView Ultra DC glasses # construction glass # glass plate for table # decorative glass

Karkaistu lasi (karkaistu turvalasi, iskunkestävä lasi *)

Mikäli normaaliin tasolasiin halutaan turvallisuutta enemmän, voi ylläolevasta valikosta valita lasin karkaisun. Karkaisun jälkeen lasi on noin 3-5 kertaa kestävempää kuin karkaisematon lasi (poislukien lasin reuna-alue), ja rikkoutuessaan karkaistu lasi särkyy pieniksi "imurilla imuroitaviksi" palasiksi, jolloin lasin rikkoutuminen ei aiheuta juurikaan viiltovaaraa. Karkaistu lasi kestää myös paremmin lämpötilaeroja lasin eri osissa (200 kelvinin ero lasin sisällä, maksimi käyttölämpötila 300C - karkaisematon 40 kelviniä). Karkaistun lasin reunat ovat aina hiottu karkealla nauhahionnalla (vaikka olisi valittuna 'Vain leikattuna terävillä reunoilla'). Karkaistuihin laseihin tulee aina pieni karkaisuleima lasin nurkkaan. *Joskus karkaistua lasia kutsutaan nimellä iskunkestävä lasi. Karkaistun lasin pinta kestää yleensä paremmin iskuja kuin karkaisemattoman lasin, mutta on huomioitava että jos isku tulee karkaistun lasin kylkeen tai kulmaan, myös karkaistu lasi särkyy yhtä helposti kuin normaali karkaisematon lasi.

Usein kysytään karkaistusta lasista

  • Voiko karkaistua lasia leikata?  Karkaistua lasia ei voi leikata tai työstää karkaisun jälkeen. Lasin lämpökarkaisussa muodostetaan koko lasin alueelle valtavan voimakas yhtenäinen jännitysalue. Jos tämä jännitys purkautuu yhdestäkään kohtaa, koko lasi murenee pieniksi murusiksi. Tämä edellä kuvattu mureneminen on turvaominaisuus. Joten kaikki leikkuut, hionnat, reiät yms työstöt tulee tehdä ennen lasin karkaisua.
  • Kestääkö karkaistu lasi pakkasta? Karkaistu lasi kestää erinomaisesti pakkasta. Ulkona on tosin otettava huomioon, että jos lasitusrakenteeseen pääsee sulamisvettä, mikä esimerkiksi yöllä jäätyy, jään laajetessa jää saattaa puristaa lasin rikki. Lasitusrakenne tulisikin suunnitella niin ettei vettä pääse rakenteeseen ja rakenne olisi tuulettuva.
  • Kestääkö karkaistu lasi lämpöä? Karkaistu lasi kestää lämpöä ja lämpöshokkeja huomattavasti karkaisematonta lasia paremmin. Karkaistun lasin sisällä lämpötilaero saa olla enintään 200 astetta, ja suurin käyttölämpötila +300 Celsiusta. Paremmin lämpöä kestää esimerkiksi Tulenkestävä lasi ja Borosilikaatti lasi (Borofloat)


Border grinding

If the edges of the glass are still visible after installation, we recommend that you also apply a polish to the glass from the edges menu. In this case, the sharp edges of the glass are ground clean and polished. ready for presentation. Edge grinding also slightly increases the bending resistance of the glass. If the edges of the glass are hidden inside the frame, edge grinding is not necessary. To add to the appearance, you can also choose to have the glass surface faceted at the edge or 45-degree faceted. When facet grinding glasses, if all corners of the glass are rounded with less than 11mm of angular curvature, the facet grinding is done in a straight line and does not follow the angular curvature. Otherwise, the facet is ground on a CNC machine to follow the edge line of the glass, including the rounding.

Examples of applications

Window glass

usually 4mm or 6mm thick, the thickness is chosen according to the size and location of the glass. Sometimes, if the location (e.g. busy passageways and close to doors) requires it, tempered or laminated glass is also used.

Glass top for table (Table top protection glasses # Tempered glass top for table # Glass top for table)

usually 6mm thick, tempered or non-tempered glass is used. For edge sanding, we strongly recommend you to choose a polished edge sanding. If the surface of the table is light or white, we recommend using special clear glass, which significantly reduces the greenish tint of normal glass. However, the extra clear glass has little effect on the green edge of the glass. For table top safety glasses, we recommend at least a small R2 – R3mm corner rotation to remove sharpness from the corners of the glass (see examples below). If you want to hide the surface of the table, the glass can be painted in the desired colour. Cf. lower Backpainted glass. Glasses painted white, or light coloured, should always be made of Special Clear glass (# optiwhite). # glass top for table # optiwhite # tempered glass # white glass # glass top for table

Kitchen partition glass (# partition glass)

Tempered or non-tempered glass of 6mm thickness is usually used. For edge sanding, we strongly recommend you to choose a polished edge sanding. If the surface of the wall to be protected is light or white, we recommend using special clear glass, which significantly reduces the greenish tint of normal glass. However, the extra-bright glass has little effect on the green edge of the glass. If you want to hide the background wall surface, the glass can be painted in the desired colour. Cf. lower Backpainted glass. Glasses painted white, or light coloured, should always be made of Special Clear glass (# optiwhite). # interstitial glass # optiwhite # tempered glass # white glass

Rear cover glass (# glass in front of fireplace # rear cover glass # furnace glass # spark arrestor)

Rear-facing glass is always tempered safety glass, because you usually have to walk on the glass and hot coals or firewood, etc. can fall on the glass.

The strength of the rear window is usually 6, but 8 and 10mm are sometimes used for appearance.

We always recommend at least a high gloss edge grind on the back cover glass, or you can also have a facet or 45-degree grind to enhance the appearance of the glass.

The front corners of the glass should also be rounded with a minimum of R10mm rounding (choose glass shape: rectangle with R-angles).

All-glass portable table covers

Always tempered glass, 6,8,10mm thick, or if you want a more rugged look, up to 19mm glass has been used.

Glazing of terrace walls

Always use tempered glasses, due to the fact that

  • in general, terrace structures live longer than other fixed structures in a house,
  • the glasses are large,
  • terraces are wool passageways,
  • there is a greater risk of colliding with glasses on terraces,
  • usually the glazing also goes quite close to the land border

You can find ready-made terrace glass installations in: sliding glass door DeLuxe for terrace

Patio wall glazing is usually 4 or 6mm thick tempered glass, depending on the size of the glass, how it is fixed and the environmental stresses on the glass.

Glasses can be almost anything in terms of colour: clear, tinted, opaque etched or extremely high transparency # Low-reflective glass Pilkington OptiView Ultra DC glasses

Terrace roof glass

are usually 8 or 10mm, sometimes 12mm thick tempered glass. Tempered+laminated glass is also used as roof glass for terraces, for example in thicknesses of 8+8mm or 10+10mm depending on the span. # tempered glass

Sauna glass walls

are always tempered glass, usually 8mm or 10mm thick. You can order a ready-made sauna glass wall here # sauna glass wall

Types of glass

High clarity glass (trade names such as optiwhite, clearvision, diamond, and others). This type of glass is often referred to by a trade name, such as Optiwhite glass. Special clear glass is brighter than normal clear glass because special clear glass has a lower iron content than normal glass. In this case, also in the case of a. the colour rendering of the glass is much cleaner, for example, if normal glass is painted white against a background, the result when viewed through the glass is a strong greenish white, with special clear glass this greenish effect is much more muted. This so-called. optiwhite glass can be used for a huge variety of applications, from interior glass to solar collector glass. # low-iron # optiwhite # special clear glass # low-iron glass # glass plate for table # glass plate for table

People often ask about Optiwhite special clear glass

  • Does the use of high brightness glass affect the green edge of the glass?
    • No effect, or very little effect. Very small pieces of glass, e.g. Narrow glass shelves may appear “crystal clear” at the edges when viewed from a certain direction, but even slightly larger glasses will also turn green or dark green at the edges, like normal glass.The edge greenness is influenced by the size of the piece, the colours of the glass environment, the type and angle of grinding, the direction of viewing and the surrounding light conditions.

      Tip: the edge of normal or special clear glass can be ground to a matt surface (fine edge grinding), for example, or the edge can be ground with a 45-degree facet grinding, which will help to reduce the bevelling of the glass edge.

  • Is high clarity glass absolutely colourless?
    • No, but the difference to normal glass is noticeable, for example when looking through light or white surfaces.Also, most painted, printed, printed glass and mirrors are always recommended to be made on special clear glass or mirrors.

      We always keep special clear glasses (thickness 3,4,5,6,8,10,12,15 and 19mm) in stock and they are therefore available with short delivery times. The most commonly used thickness for interior glass is 6mm.

      Also available from stock is coated special clear glass, the so-called. “invisible glass”, where light transmission is up to 98-99%. The coating on the glass reduces reflections.

  • Optiwhite vs normal glass standard float MODERN GLASS STORE GLASS NYGARD- www_lasit_fi - Ylivieska-2 copy 2

Pilkington OptiView Ultra DC low-reflective glass – for applications where you want to see extremely clearly through the glass. The light transmission of glass is up to 99%. Pilkington OptiView Ultra DC low-reflective glass is manufactured on a special clear OptiWhite glass, coated on both sides using a state-of-the-art anti-reflective coating technology. There are countless applications: technical glass, shop windows, terrace glass, landscape glass and even interior glass for applications where you want the glass to be extremely invisible and not distort the colour scheme.

Tinted glass (grey, dark grey, bronze, green and blue) can be used for aesthetic reasons or to reduce the transmission of solar heat energy (they absorb the heat energy of the sun) – this way the space does not heat up as much as with clear glass.

The glasses you are looking for can be used indoors for interior decoration or outdoors for construction. The surface of the glass you are looking for is, as the name implies, etched to a matt surface, where the glass provides privacy or gives the interior an aesthetic appearance. If the surface of the etched glass is facet ground, the grinding will always be on the etched side and the width of the etched glass will become clear. If the etched glass gets very wet, the glass may become temporarily transparent.

Pilkington MirrorPane Chrome and Chrome PLUS # tempered mirror

The new Pilkington MirrorPane range of state-of-the-art front-coated mirrors can be tempered, ground and machined (holes, milling, etc.) just like normal glass.

MirrorPane mirrors can be installed either with the coating facing forward, or with the coating protecting the wall side. The coating towards the viewer gives better colour rendition and optical quality than any normal silvered mirror, because there is no glass in between to darken the image. But sometimes, for example in public spaces, it is a good idea to turn the mirror surface against the wall to protect it from scratching.

The MirrorPane Chrome mirror allows you to just barely see through from a dark space to a bright space. The Chrome PLUS mirror is no longer visible and is therefore intended for use as a wall mirror, for example.

On large surfaces, optical distortion may occur after hardening. MirrorPane Chrome mirrors can also be used without tempering if you don’t need the security or durability benefits of tempering.

# tempered mirror # Pilkington MirrorPane Chrome

All glass sold on this page can be tempered safety glass (toughened glass).

Weight of glass

You can also calculate the weight of the glassby entering the glass data in the fields. The glass weight calculator does not take into account the reduction in mass due to the shape of the glass, but always calculates the weight of the glass in the rectangular area. The glass weight counter is indicative. The weight of the glass can vary between different production batches due to the thickness tolerance of the glass.


Examples of the size of corner swivels

R, or radius, is the size of the circle of which the angular rotation is a part. Examples of what corner spinning can be compared to:

  • The diameter of a long-playing LP is about 300mm, i.e. radius R=150mm
  • The diameter of the CD is 120mm, i.e. radius R=60mm
  • The diameter of a 2 euro coin is about 25mm, i.e. radius R=12.5mm
  • The diameter of a 10 ct coin is about 20mm, i.e. radius R=10mm
  • 3mm rounding (R3) the rounding is just visible to the eye from the corner of the round, but the shape of the glass is not yet substantially changed
  • The 1mm rounding (R1) doesn’t look much like a rounded corner, but feeling it with your fingertip you can feel that the sharpness has just about disappeared.

Backpainted glass

On request, we canpaint the back of the glass in the colour of your choice. Backpainted glass is suitable for example as glass table tops, interior wall glass, kitchen partition glass (# glass plate for kitchen), etc. You can create stunning decorative elements from the back-painted glasses. For the ground glass of a background painting, we always recommend to choose “Extra Clear Glass”, which has only a little bit of the natural green tint of the glass. This is when the colour rendering properties of the glass are at their best. However, extra clear glass is not completely colourless and it also “shades” the paint, so the colour seen through the glass is never the same as the same paint colour without it.

The black colour does not change much whether it is painted on normal or special clear glass.

Back-painted glass is for indoor use only and the painted side must always be hidden against another surface (table, wall) and protected from scratching.

When designing a backpainted glass with our calculator, when looking at the scale of the glass, the backpainting will always be behind the glass, i.e. in the background. Take this into account also if you order holes in the glass.

The picture below compares the white painting on special clear and “normal” clear glass:

optiwhite, tempered glass, backpainted glass, glass top for table, white glass, MODERN GLASS STORE www_lasit_fi

Below is an example of a round special clear glass, painted in Violet 4003:

optiwhite, tempered glass, backpainted glass, glass top for table MODERN GLASS STORE www_lasit_fi

# white glass # optiwhite # backpainted glass # partition glass # glass plate for table # decorative glass # glass plate for table

Drilling a hole in glass

You can also order the glasses with holes for the position you want. There are certain regularities in where holes can be drilled in the glass. For example, each glass thickness has its own minimum distances, the distance between the edge of a hole and, for example, the edge of the glass, the corner of the glass or another hole. If the glass is tempered as safety glass (toughened glass) these distances are greater than for untempered glass and the distances increase with the thickness of the glass. There is also a minimum hole diameter depending on the glass thickness.

Glass with holes is recommended to be tempered.

  • Our calculator always automatically checks that these minimum distances are met and that the hole is not too small for the glass thickness.
  • The holes are always rough-edged, i.e. the holes are supposed to go “hidden”.
  • 6-40mm holes are usually drilled with diamond drills and holes over 40mm are either drilled or machined with CNC machines.
  • There is no upper limit to the size of the hole, we can machine almost any size hole in the glass
  • The holes can also be flush with the edges, making the so-called. half e.g. for cable penetrations, etc. or fireplace glass against a round fireplace
  • glass tempered glass drilling reika glass www_glasit_fi MODERN GLASS SHOP
  • fireplace front glass tempered glass www_lasit_fi MODERN GLASS STORE
  • The holes cannot be too close together, but the holes can partially overlap (min 1/3 part) – this will give you longer gaps. (Hole spacers may be machined straight if production possibilities so require)
  • partition glass, optiwhite, backpainted glass, tempered glass www_glasit_fi MODERN GLASS STORE
  • If possible, always try to use the same hole size (cheaper)


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact.

contact us

we are happy to help!


In all glass construction, take into account building regulations and their requirements for the load/durability of glass.


Additional information




Kirkas, useita eri


Pilkington, Premium Nygård, Saint-Gobain, Schott, useita eri


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